Download PDF American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health Clean Our Environment and Slow Climate Change Jen Hobbs Jesse Ventura 9781510743298 Books

By Coleen Talley on Saturday, June 1, 2019

Download PDF American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health Clean Our Environment and Slow Climate Change Jen Hobbs Jesse Ventura 9781510743298 Books

Download As PDF : American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health Clean Our Environment and Slow Climate Change Jen Hobbs Jesse Ventura 9781510743298 Books

Download PDF American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health Clean Our Environment and Slow Climate Change Jen Hobbs Jesse Ventura 9781510743298 Books

If there ever was a time to build an American hemp industry, the time is now.
In Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto, former Minnesota Governor teamed up with Jen Hobbs to explain why it’s time to fully legalize cannabis and end the War on Drugs. Through their research, it became clear that hemp needed its own manifesto. Jen Hobbs takes up this torch in American Hemp.

December of 2018 marked a largely unprecedented victory for cannabis. The 2018 Farm Bill passed and with it hemp became legal. What the federal government listed for decades as a schedule 1 narcotic was finally classified as an agricultural crop, giving great promise to the rise of a new American hemp industry. 

Filled with catchall research, American Hemp examines what this new domestic crop can be used for, what makes it a superior product, and what made it illegal in the first place; the book also delves into the many health and medical benefits of the plant. Hobbs weighs in on how hemp can improve existing industries, from farming to energy to 3D printing, plus how it can make a serious impact on climate change by removing toxins from the soil and by decreasing our dependence on plastics and fossil fuels.

American Hemp lays out where we are as a nation on expanding this entirely new (yet ancient) domestic industry while optimistically reasoning that by sowing hemp, we can grow a better future and save the planet in the process. 

Download PDF American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health Clean Our Environment and Slow Climate Change Jen Hobbs Jesse Ventura 9781510743298 Books

"As someone who knows a lot about hemp’s benefits, I was surprised to find some information I didn’t know. The book goes further than just saying what the plant can do and what can be made from it. One example, I know that hemp products are more eco-friendly, most people know that, but instead of trying to prove that case, the author talks about the environmental impact of products we already use. Now that we’re moving more toward electric cars, solar panels, and everything else to lessen dependence on fossil fuels, I didn’t ever really think about how those products are made and where they come from and what kind of impact those products are having on the environment. We still have to mine the lithium and other resources to make them (and those materials often come from countries that don’t adhere to environmental protection or child labor laws), and of course that technology will eventually become outdated, and we don’t really have a plan for recycling that material, so it makes me wonder what we’re doing. This is talked about in greater detail so you really get a sense of how we’re not really solving much environmentally, just creating more problems that some other future generation will have to address, and then the author goes into how hemp can be used to off-set fossil fuel dependence and how it can be incorporated into the technology we’re using today (like supercapacitors). Really gives you a lot to think about, especially since the solutions aren’t theoretical."

Product details

  • Paperback 312 pages
  • Publisher Skyhorse (April 16, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1510743294

Read American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health Clean Our Environment and Slow Climate Change Jen Hobbs Jesse Ventura 9781510743298 Books

Tags : American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health, Clean Our Environment, and Slow Climate Change [Jen Hobbs, Jesse Ventura] on . <B>If there ever was a time to build an American hemp industry, the time is now.</B><BR>In <I>Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto</I>,Jen Hobbs, Jesse Ventura,American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health, Clean Our Environment, and Slow Climate Change,Skyhorse,1510743294,Hemp,Hemp farmers,Hemp industry - United States,AGRICULTURAL ECOLOGY,AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS,Business Economics/Industries - General,Environmental management,FIELD CROPS,GENERAL,General Adult,HOUSE HOME / Sustainable Living,House Home/Sustainable Living,NATURE / Natural Resources,NATURE / Plants / General,Nature/Ecology,Nature/Plants - General,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Commentary Opinion,Political Science/Commentary Opinion,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Agriculture / Sustainable Agriculture,Technology Engineering/Agriculture - Sustainable Agriculture,United States

American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health Clean Our Environment and Slow Climate Change Jen Hobbs Jesse Ventura 9781510743298 Books Reviews :

American Hemp How Growing Our Newest Cash Crop Can Improve Our Health Clean Our Environment and Slow Climate Change Jen Hobbs Jesse Ventura 9781510743298 Books Reviews

  • I learned so much from Jen Hobb’s newly released book HEMP! It is truly a miracle plant used to make everyday things like paper and rope—of course I knew about those but not it’s use as a health supplement, pesticide, phytoremediation (absorbs poisonous metals from soil) anti-seizure, anti-anxiety, used to control epilepsy, psychosis and on and on in easy to understand layman’s terms. You owe it to yourself to buy this book! Bravo
    Ms. Hobbs! More people need to educate themselves about this miracle plant!
  • This book is full of insights. No matter what your political ideologies are, one issue every American can or SHOULD agree on is that hemp legalization is a GREAT thing. I find it funny that people can’t fathom the fact that hemp can be used for so many purposes, but yet we currently use trees for so many things…trees are used to make paper, lumber for houses, furniture, veneer…dyes and medications (including aspirin) are made from tree bark…the oils in leaves and roots are used in cosmetics. Tree sap is used for making maple syrup, chewing gum, crayons, paint, soap. Yes they provide us with food too, like walnuts, apples, peaches, and so on. It’s so curious that we already use trees for so many things, but people look at hemp with disbelief. Stop being skeptical. Yes we can (and already do) create building materials from hemp fiber (hempcrete). CBD is a medication. The plant’s seeds contain protein, vitamins, minerals, omega3/omega6. Yes, it can be used for paper, rope, clothing, even as a substitute for carbonfiber. This book goes into all these uses and more by comparing what we currently use (and it’s environmental impact). It takes over 40 years for a tree to grow to maturity. Hemp grows to maturity in 180 days, so this is a renewable resource we can use for many things that doesn’t take such a long time to replace.
  • Just read it. It crazy everything you learn!
  • Like most people, I associated hemp with marijuana for most of my life. But you won’t after you read this book! I had the pleasure of reading an advance copy and I highly recommend it. I learned so much from this amazing book! As it explains, the number of ways that hemp can help our planet is absolutely incredible.
    It can prevent deforestation by replacing timber;
    It can replace plastic! Think about the ramifications of that;
    It can feed the world. Hemp is one of the toughest plants in existence; it can thrive almost anywhere and hemp seeds are among the most nutritionally dense food sources there are;
    As a building material hemp can provide a much more sustainable alternative to concrete;
    It also can act as a soil decontaminant and prevent pesticide pollution.
    It’s mind-blowing stuff and it’s amazing that our so-called leaders have not yet embraced the powerful possibilities of this plant. That, and much more, is contained in this excellent and important book.
  • I found the biofuel information to be extremely interesting. I didn’t realize that hemp biodiesel fuel can be used in diesel engines without any modifications to the engine, etc. Right now, we’re making biofuel out of plants we use for food, like corn. And the problem is that since corn can only be grown on agricultural land, farmers have to decide if they’ll sell it for food or for fuel, and if they get more money for making fuel, then where does that leave us with the quantity of corn for food? This seems to be a problem in other parts of the world too. I was surprised to learn about how land is being cleared to make biofuel from palm oil….and the land being cleared is tropical forests, so we’re seeing deforestation as a result, so we’re not doing any good there either. But since hemp can be planted anywhere, takes much less water than other agricultural crops, and doesn’t require pesticides to grow, we can make much less of an environmental impact to create biofuel with hemp than with really any other plant currently being used. The references the author relies on to come to these conclusions are also worth noting. Recent articles from the Smithsonian, Scientific American, and of course research studies from all over the world. Plus, she gets into history too. I found it interesting that Germany relied on biofuels prior to World War I because they could make it domestically instead of relying on fossil fuel imports. Ethanol was used to fuel cars and trucks but it was also used to power all kinds of household items, including cooking stoves. Of course, they relied on potatoes to make it (food vs. fuel problem) or wood from trees (deforestation problem), so hemp could really be a game changer here.
  • As someone who knows a lot about hemp’s benefits, I was surprised to find some information I didn’t know. The book goes further than just saying what the plant can do and what can be made from it. One example, I know that hemp products are more eco-friendly, most people know that, but instead of trying to prove that case, the author talks about the environmental impact of products we already use. Now that we’re moving more toward electric cars, solar panels, and everything else to lessen dependence on fossil fuels, I didn’t ever really think about how those products are made and where they come from and what kind of impact those products are having on the environment. We still have to mine the lithium and other resources to make them (and those materials often come from countries that don’t adhere to environmental protection or child labor laws), and of course that technology will eventually become outdated, and we don’t really have a plan for recycling that material, so it makes me wonder what we’re doing. This is talked about in greater detail so you really get a sense of how we’re not really solving much environmentally, just creating more problems that some other future generation will have to address, and then the author goes into how hemp can be used to off-set fossil fuel dependence and how it can be incorporated into the technology we’re using today (like supercapacitors). Really gives you a lot to think about, especially since the solutions aren’t theoretical.