Read Fate Came Calling A Young Man Journey Became a Lifetime of Adventure Based on the Life of Warren Vest eBook Kurt Bryan

By Coleen Talley on Friday, May 24, 2019

Read Fate Came Calling A Young Man Journey Became a Lifetime of Adventure Based on the Life of Warren Vest eBook Kurt Bryan

Product details

  • File Size 7930 KB
  • Print Length 301 pages
  • Publisher Fate Came Calling, LLC; 1 edition (March 20, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 20, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Fate Came Calling A Young Man Journey Became a Lifetime of Adventure Based on the Life of Warren Vest eBook Kurt Bryan Reviews

  • First of all, Thank You Captain “Warren” Vest for providing to the World family a glimpse of your story and upbringing. The timing of this book is especially appropriate being that it coincides with the 5 year anniversary of World Airways demise. I now have a better understanding of what made Warren who he is today.

    I met Captain Vest back in July 1989. The DC-10 was the toughest training program that I had ever experienced. If it hadn’t been for Captain “Joe” Botero and Warrens encouragement, I too may have succumb to driving trucks. And while I lost my simulator partner; nicknamed “Captain Gadget”, Warren administered my checkride.

    I too have accumulated many great memories from my tenure at World Airways. Probably the most profound was in 2000. This was during a time that World was again facing solvency. At that time, I was Executive Council Chairman for the Pilots Union or “MEC”. Through “fate” and Herculaneum efforts by (Management) Mr. “Hollis” Harris, Captain Vest, the EXCO, Captain “Don” Treichler and the Pilot group, we were able to avoid bk and proceed to make extraordinary profits. And make no mistake, there were many a time whereby Warren and I had face to face deep arguments only to be resolved in true gentleman fashion. I can recall one particular meeting that involved an issue with hotels. Captain Salazar and Sherry were both holding the line and not giving in to a finding a solution, then Warren and I got into a VERY heated discussion. We quickly found common ground and the meeting was over. What I learned most about Warren, that meeting (and others) is that you knew exactly where you stood with Warren and there was always an “air” of respect. Unlike today whereby people live with grudges or with the adage that I will get back at you at a later time. Not with Captain Vest.

    Thank you again Captain Vest for sharing with us your story and more importantly, for keeping alive the rich history of World Airways. This was a wonderful read.

    I also want to extend a huge “Thank You” to Ingrid Vest for keeping the family together, weathering the highs and lows of a pilots life and being there for Captain Vest. To me, you are a Captain in true fashion.

    Charlie Vess
  • I had the pleasure to fly as a F/A with Captain Vest for two different Airlines. After reading his book (easy reading) I realized that I knew very little about him as a person. Captain Vest's determination and hard work to become a Pilot (one of the very BEST) from an early age on, says a lot about his serious character.
    I enjoyed his stories about different people he met and Foreign Countries he flew to, their customs ,likes and dislikes. You also learned about various older Aircraft's. ML Taylor, Dyer NV
    Captain Vest's importance of FAMILY is admirable and shows all through his book.
    One quote I can attest to, his being "relatively fun"........
  • A very well written biography of a life long career.
  • After knowing Warren for over 50 years, I was very surprised with the story of his Major Accomplishment at 18 years of age. His accomplishments from 18 to 70 were also remarkable. I worked with Warren at World Airways. I was there for 43 years and remember the first time I met Warren. Warren was not a FOLLOWER he was a LEADER. I give Warren high marks for his contribution to the success of World Airways. The book overall is a good read and very interesting even for some one not in the Aviation Industry.
  • "Fate Came Calling" was an interesting read for me. I love books that read easily, and where I can come away from them with some new knowledge of the world. This book provided interesting perspectives on travel sites, flying airplanes, and career advancement. The stories sprinkled throughout the biography of the main character's life provided all three perspectives. Warren Vest is a person I would have liked to have known. I would have appreciated more fully fleshed out descriptions of many of the scenes.
  • Kurt Bryan does a remarkable job of capturing the vitality of Warren Vest's past. This is a story about an ordinary person who has lived an extraordinary life of accomplishment, adventure, and close friendships. It is an enjoyable yet worthwhile read. I will probably reread the book again!