Ebook The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President Updated and Expanded with New Essays Bandy X Lee Jeffrey Sachs Robert Jay Lifton Gail Sheehy William J Doherty Noam Chomsky Judith Lewis Herman MD Philip Zimbardo PhD Rosemary Sword Craig Malkin PhD Tony Schwartz Lance Dodes MD John D Gartner PhD Michael J Tansey PhD David M Reiss MD James A Herb MA Esq Leonard L Glass MD MPH Henry J Friedman MD James Gilligan MD Diane Jhueck LMHC DMHP Howard H Covitz PhD ABPP Betty P Teng MFA LMSW Jennifer Contarino Panning PsyD Harper West MA LLP Luba Kessler MD Steve Wruble MD Thomas Singer MD Elizabeth Mika MA LCPC Edwin B Fisher PhD Nanette Gartrell MD Dee Mosbacher MD PhD Stephen Soldz Ellyn Kaschak James Merikangas Jerrold M Post Kevin Washington Lise van Susteren Nassir Ghaemi Norman Eisen Prudence Gourgechon Rosa Bramble 9781250212863 Books

By Coleen Talley on Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ebook The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President Updated and Expanded with New Essays Bandy X Lee Jeffrey Sachs Robert Jay Lifton Gail Sheehy William J Doherty Noam Chomsky Judith Lewis Herman MD Philip Zimbardo PhD Rosemary Sword Craig Malkin PhD Tony Schwartz Lance Dodes MD John D Gartner PhD Michael J Tansey PhD David M Reiss MD James A Herb MA Esq Leonard L Glass MD MPH Henry J Friedman MD James Gilligan MD Diane Jhueck LMHC DMHP Howard H Covitz PhD ABPP Betty P Teng MFA LMSW Jennifer Contarino Panning PsyD Harper West MA LLP Luba Kessler MD Steve Wruble MD Thomas Singer MD Elizabeth Mika MA LCPC Edwin B Fisher PhD Nanette Gartrell MD Dee Mosbacher MD PhD Stephen Soldz Ellyn Kaschak James Merikangas Jerrold M Post Kevin Washington Lise van Susteren Nassir Ghaemi Norman Eisen Prudence Gourgechon Rosa Bramble 9781250212863 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 544 pages
  • Publisher Thomas Dunne Books; Updated, Expanded ed. edition (March 19, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1250212863

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President Updated and Expanded with New Essays Bandy X Lee Jeffrey Sachs Robert Jay Lifton Gail Sheehy William J Doherty Noam Chomsky Judith Lewis Herman MD Philip Zimbardo PhD Rosemary Sword Craig Malkin PhD Tony Schwartz Lance Dodes MD John D Gartner PhD Michael J Tansey PhD David M Reiss MD James A Herb MA Esq Leonard L Glass MD MPH Henry J Friedman MD James Gilligan MD Diane Jhueck LMHC DMHP Howard H Covitz PhD ABPP Betty P Teng MFA LMSW Jennifer Contarino Panning PsyD Harper West MA LLP Luba Kessler MD Steve Wruble MD Thomas Singer MD Elizabeth Mika MA LCPC Edwin B Fisher PhD Nanette Gartrell MD Dee Mosbacher MD PhD Stephen Soldz Ellyn Kaschak James Merikangas Jerrold M Post Kevin Washington Lise van Susteren Nassir Ghaemi Norman Eisen Prudence Gourgechon Rosa Bramble 9781250212863 Books Reviews

  • This is one of the best reads i’ve had all year, for it paints an in depth picture of the pathology that afflicts our current Preidient, as described by a panel of psychiatrists and psychologists meeting at a Yale symposium. Indeed, I made a list of the personality disorders described for him and keep in on my phone; it’s a wonderful reference guide to explain the truly screwed up behavior Trump shows daily. Much of it is expected “e.g malignant narcissism” but also much to me is new (e.g “a present hedonist” who cares not what came before, or what will come after, but only about what’s happening now and how it affects him.)

    The rap on the book comes from academic physicians who cite the Goldwater rule, which says you shouldn’t diagnose a person’s pathology unless you’ve examined them directly. I’m an academic and can assure you otherwise. The contributors in the book take that argument on directly, and carefully qualify their diagnoses based upon the behavior they see from afar. They also argue that Trump is the most powerful person in the world with his finger on the nuclear button...understanding his pathology “trumps” all other concerns.

    History will reference this book when it analyzes Trump’s personality, pathology, and performance. I recommend it enthusiastically.
  • Most discerning Americans know Trump is a narcissist who mixes lies with delusion, slanders freely, and moment to moment must have the spotlight turned on him, even if it means, for example, undercutting his Secretary of State Tillerson and potentially dragging the world into a war in service to his ever-faltering self-esteem.

    Lee's book appears to have been written by among the best that psychiatry/psychology have to offer. The authors are deeply moral professionals who see through the glass clearly, something we don't get often enough from mental health professionals.

    What is most awesome about *The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump* is that most of what is written here rings true. The authors introduce concepts I was not familiar with such as those relating to Trump’s relationship with time. Unlike most of us who consider the future impact of our actions, Trump responds in the moment, to assuage his ego needs vs. thinking ahead about the harm his comments might cause. We are witness to his in-the-moment orientation in his attachment to Twitter. Some journalists and pundits have convinced themselves, and tried to convince us, that Trump’s Tweets and other interference's are strategic, meant to give him “wins”. The authors here confirm that this simply is not so. The delusion that Trump has some secret wisdom leaves us in danger of following Trump down the rabbit hole to our own destruction.

    Trump’s presidency is a threat to our democratic republic, our freedoms, our values, and for the spiritually-inclined, our very souls. I am grateful to these courageous authors for doing what they can to save America and the world from Trump’s toxicity. History will look kindly on them; they chose well. It is up to each of us to do what little we can to protect what we have here in an era of vulnerability as a deranged leader tears at the fabric of our nation in service of his emotional needs. It can only get worse.
  • This book was published in 2017, and now two years later, everything the author(s) reveal to us within these pages is clearer and even more frightening. We are a country at great risk from a leader who has no conscious, and the damage he could do within the next 2years should have us all concerned. This book will give you insight and understanding into the erratic behavior of the man we elected President. It's time we all start to educate ourselves so that we are better able to protect what we value most in this country, our freedoms.
  • You already know a lot about this book just from the title. What got my attention right away was that it's not written by one person like the vast majority of the books about Donald Trump. Instead, it is a collection of essays by 27 different psychology professionals, whether working psychologists or psychiatrists. These people are all highly trained and are so concerned about the mental health of the President of the United States that they are violating the spirit of the ethical guidance from their professional organizations--namely, not to analyze the mental health of someone you have never examined.

    What motivated the choice to make these insights public? This controversial decision is explained at the outset by Drs. Herman and Lee "the public trust is also violated if the profession fails in its duty to alert the public when a person who holds the power of life and death over us all shows signs of clear, dangerous mental impairment." Given the power at his command, they feel that the mental health of the president should get at least as much scrutiny as that of other citizens. They have concluded that Donald Trump has a serious personality disorder and is a danger to the country. For that reason, they feel that they must honor their "duty to warn" the public of the danger he poses, (just as they have a professional "duty to warn" if a patient is a danger to himself or others.)

    Since the president appears unwilling to undergo a genuine physical examination--much less a mental health one--these professionals can give the public insights based on the unusually plentiful record of Donald Trump's public actions, comments and even tweets. As both candidate and president (and even during the decades before), Trump was someone who sought the limelight and whom the media found fascinating and worth extensive coverage. He was also very accessible, very quotable and much quoted. Although these psychologists have never examined him, they have a lot of real-time observations to work with, as well as so many available written interviews, articles and books, many in Trump's own words.

    They also feel that, as professionals, they can address some of the questions the public has about the behavior and comments of the president, including,"Is this unusual but normal? Or is it something that should make me worried, even afraid?"

    You know the answers these authors all reach from the title. But they each take a different focus in their individual chapters. Here's a sample "Unbridled and Extreme Present Hedonism", "Pathological Narcissism and Politics A Lethal Mix"; "Sociopathy"; "Donald Trump Is (a) Bad, (B) Mad, (C) All of the Above)"; "Why 'Crazy Like a Fox' versus 'Crazy Like a Crazy' Really Matters' 'Cognitive Impairment, Dementia and POTUS"; and so on.

    Some psychologists write about the effect of a president like this on the American public. "How a President Freezes Healing and Promotes Crisis", "In Relationship with an Abusive President', and "Who Goes Trump?Tyranny as a Triumph of Narcissism".

    There is also a chapter about the 25th amendment. And a conclusion by Noam Chomsky. One non-psychologist who provides an interesting chapter is Tony Schwartz, who wrote The Art of the Deal with Trump. In 2016 Schwartz donated his help to the Clinton campaign for free as "penance" for writing the book that brought Trump to the public attention and helped mythologize him. It's something Schwartz has regretted ever since, even donating the 2015-2016 proceeds from it to charity. Schwartz's chapter is titled, "I Wrote The Art of the Deal with Donald Trump His Self-Sabotage Is Rooted in His Past" and considers his strict father and early life somehow gave him the idea that everything in life is either a success or a failure--and he can't accept failure.)

    The writers have different styles, but generally include a wealth of real-life examples and write in a way that avoids jargon. On the face of it, it would seem that Trump's supporters wouldn't want to have anything to do with this book. However, it's not a left-wing hatchet job; it's professional psychologists analyzing the President of the United States in his actions and comments. If anything, it seems more important for his supporters to read and think about all this than it would be for his critics (even if Trump supporters wind up rejecting its conclusions, they'll be well-informed on why so many people feel that way). A valuable and unique contribution to the literature about the Trump presidency.