Read Online The Aimless Billionaire Small Town Billionaires Book 2 edition by April Murdock Contemporary Romance eBooks

By Coleen Talley on Saturday, May 25, 2019

Read Online The Aimless Billionaire Small Town Billionaires Book 2 edition by April Murdock Contemporary Romance eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 4074 KB
  • Print Length 139 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 1, 2019
  • Language English

The Aimless Billionaire Small Town Billionaires Book 2 edition by April Murdock Contemporary Romance eBooks Reviews

  • In The Aimless Billionaire, Brandon decides he will go to a music festival before settling into the life his parents want for him in the family business. At the festival he meets Jessie who is there to interview a band for her blog and for a magazine. The characters are well written. This is a sweet romance where two peoples lives are changed by their adventures at this music festival.
  • I'm trying to decide if I liked this book out not. It didn't seem real to me. The characters weren't as lovable as I would have liked them to be. The story seemed forever at times and everything ended up perfectly way to easy.
  • I just couldn't get into this story at all. I didn't care for Brandon who seemed more like a doormat than anything else. Jessie was good though. The rest of the story was just weird...not the music festival, as I have read other books centered around them, but the part with the band. I found myself skimming/skipping a lot of it just to get to the end.
  • Brandon is finally going to take over the family business but first he wants to go to the music festival. When he is at the music festival he meets Jessie and they have so much fun with each other. Jessie is there for the music festival to interview the band for a magazine. This book is a very sweet book. I really enjoyed reading this book.
  • I REALLY wanted to love this book, but I had to take off a star because it still needed a lot of editing/proofing, and another because I just didn't love all the narration. I didn't want to be TOLD what they were feeling and why (or even what they THOUGHT they SHOULD be feeling and why) — I wanted to "see" it. It made it hard to get invested in the characters/story. It had a lot of promise; I just personally struggled with it.

    I received a free copy, and this is my honest opinion.
  • I enjoyed this book because it had a real life quality to it. Brandon was taking over the company all he wanted was one last opportunity before work became his life. Having money had it drawbacks but who knows who at a music festival unless you're the band. Jessie is there to interview the band when these two meet its like a ray of sunshine. There are a few of typos but it doesn't take away from the story.
  • It was an interesting story. It was clean but had a little romance. It showed the right and wrong way to treat people. There was a little drama and a mystery to solve. Very well rounded light reading.
  • Sweet and clean romance. The storyline was good and you will call in love with the main characters. Better editing needs to be done due to typos and at beginning of book he closes his bedroom door and locks it but them his mother just opens door.